Leeds is the right place for world class darts

Phil Taylor. PIC: Lawrence LustigPhil Taylor. PIC: Lawrence Lustig
Phil Taylor. PIC: Lawrence Lustig
BOOM SPORT darts is set to move to a new level in 2016, one of its top stars claims.

Peter Wright will take to the oche at Leeds’ First Direct Arena tonight to kick off the opening round of the BetWay Premier League.

A five-figure crowd will pack the venue to see the game’s 10 best players in action and Wright, a former world finalist, believes the quality of arrows on show will be sky high.

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“In my opinion, the standard of darts is going to go even better this year,” predicted Wright who will face Premier League new boy Michael Smith in tonight’s opening match.

Michael van Gerwen wants more, Phil Taylor wants to get back to winning big titles, and Gary Anderson too, and guys like Adrian Lewis, James Wade and myself are practising really hard.

“I think you’ll see the averages go even higher, which will be great for the fans and people watching on TV.”

Tonight’s players are fresh from the UniBet Masters in Milton Keynes, which was won by van Gerwen.

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Wright said: “I’m playing well. I’ve been making a few small amendments to my darts – like longer points – but in Milton Keynes I used shorter points in my darts with a diamond grip and I felt fine.

“I know that I can average at least 103 with those darts all the time and I averaged 104 against Phil Taylor on Sunday although even that wasn’t quite enough!”

Wright has yet to win a major televised title, but feels this could be his year.

He added: “I’m looking forward to this year. I had a few personal problems last year and maybe I wasn’t turning up in the right frame of mind.

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